
Gerald FitzGerald Gerald FitzGerald

Outer Hebrides shoot

Rest of the week quickly fell into a rhythm of early morning shoots, late breakfasts, boxed lunches on the road, afternoon and sunset shoots, dinner and bed; repeat. The routine was only varied by the weather which in a matter of hours could, and did, ring all the changes on cold, windy, cloudy, sunny, rainy, snowy and back again.

If this description sounds as if it was not interesting or enjoyable, let me set correct that impression; it was very good fun and very hard work in equal parts and there was terrific sense of accomplishment in completing some of the more challenging shooting assignments....

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Gerald FitzGerald Gerald FitzGerald

Isle of Skye - Day 2

Turns out we will have a local photographer, Peter Cairns of NorthShots as our location guide so after loading our two vans with equipment and photogs we headed out for the 4 hour drive along the side of Loch Ness to the Sligachan Hotel on Skye.

Old hotel, built in the 1830's with a long history as the jumping-off point for climbers of the surrounding Cuillin mountains. It's a wonderful, isolated spot at the side of Loch Sligachan with the Black Cuillin towering at its back. We will be spending 3 nights here with each day beginning with a sunrise shoot somewhere in the surrounding country, necessitating a 6:30 departure. Back to the hotel for breakfast at 9 and then out again at 2 for late afternoon and sunset shots returning to the hotel at 7:30/8 for drinks and dinner....

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