Out of the Orkneys, Into Ullapool, Sept. 23
If you remember from my last post we are in Kirkwall, Orkneys for two nights to wait out a gale. Weather intermittent sun and rain but the wind blew hard from the south for the entire time and since we were on the northern side of our dock we were being blown away from our mooring, well that we had doubled our mooring lines.
One advantage of being moored for two days was the opportunity to find the town’s laundromat and clean up a 2 week accumulation, bliss…
Iceland to Ullapool
It’s been a while since my last post, March in Kenya to be exact, and I’m going on the road again, or more precisely, on the sea.
One of the places that I’ve wanted to visit for a very long time are the Faroe Islands, which for those of you who aren’t quite sure, are located in the North Atlantic, SE of Iceland and NW of the Shetland Islands which are north of Scotland.