Mexico City to Palenque - Day Four

Up early and out of the hotel by 8:00. We had pre-arranged a taxi the night before, expecting that the drive to the airport would be as time-consuming as our previous two night's restaurant drives had been, but we flew to the airport and were there at 8:30 for an 11:30 flight. Not a problem however, as we had off-loaded a suitcase of stuff that we had brought for the conference, jackets, dress clothes and shoes etc so managed to cut our luggage in half. Our last night in Mexico, next Monday we will be spending at the airport Hilton as we fly back from Chiapas that evening. Accordingly, we had our taxi drop us at the Hilton and they will keep our extra bag for us until we pick it up on check-in next week. With all that time in hand we had a leisurely breakfast at the Hilton and then took their shuttle to our terminal for the flight to Palenque, our first stop on the road to ruin.

Uneventful flight but arriving at Villahermosa airport, the closest airport to Palenque and about 1 1/2 hours drive away, we were met by a wall of heat and humidity when we de-planed, reminiscent of arriving in Barbados. Arranged for a car to take us and arrived at our Palenque hotel about 15:30 and decided to subside in the heat and save our strength for the ruins tomorrow. Sat by the pool, sweated, read our books and sweated some more.

Early dinner and early bed.


Palenque and on to San Cristobel - Day Five


Mexico City - Day Three